Bridging the gap between marketing and impact

We utilize a hybrid of data and creative thinking
to develop customized marketing plans.

We create marketing strategy for innovators and disruptors

With our strategic marketing solutions, you can be confident that your marketing expenses will deliver ROI. We are committed to delivering results that make a real impact on your business.

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360 Transformation

Are you looking for a way to stand out against your competitors? Start with strategy. Our unique perspectives provide our clients with a clearly defined roadmap so they're never wondering, what's next?

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Trend Forecasting

We'll play devil's advocate so you don't have to. We gather, analyze, and respond to the changes within your unique market, so your business is always top of mind for consumers.

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Sustainable Growth

From partnerships to campaigns, we've got you covered. Our end goal is simple, develop niched messaging and share it with the masses, consistently, and organically.

Our approach to marketing starts with data.

Our strategies reveal avenues for brand awareness, conversion, reactivation, and retention. By integrating CSR, we identify tactics to create ongoing value for your target market. Through this, we evaluate past performance, market trends, and consumer needs to create a roadmap for the future.


of future profits

from a company will be from just 20% of existing customers.


of fortune 500 companies

Report communities provide insight into customer needs


of all marketers

rank "increased acquisition of new customers" as their top outcome for organic marketing in 2021


of consumers

Say it's no longer acceptable for companies just to make money; they must positively impact society too.

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Press coverage on your terms

Pitchfork is here to help you get your story out there. Whether it's finding a speaking opportunity, getting globally syndicated news coverage, or even just lending an extra hand to your media department - we're got you covered.

Our team is constantly on the hunt for the next big thing - and we're sharing those opportunities directly with you.

Get coverage

Done-for-you strategy with CMO level support

Looking for new ways to attract your ideal customer? Brandaid provides strategic support for fast growing startups.

By bridging the gap between cooperate responsibility and marketing, we give our clients an opportunity to build a lasting relationship with their consumers.

Get in touch with one of our strategists

Vetted marketing feedback 24/7

Idealab is a group-based marketing idea incubator for startups to get a sounding board, feedback, and advice to fuel their growth. Collaborate with a diverse group of marketing executives to get feedback on your marketing ideas.

Our full launch for Idealab is in 2024.

Need support? Get in touch!

Companies pay us for ideas, but what they're REALLY doing is investing in a data-backed approach to strategy that ensures success.

Tell us about your business